Lisa Grady is a personal trainer, frc coach, and yoga instructor based in Oklahoma City.

Personal training sessions are focused around functional movement allowing the body to work efficiently as one unit. Sessions are an hour long and customized to the individual’s current abilities and long term goals. Lisa utilizes her career as a yoga instructor and experience and training in primal movement, functional range conditioning, and kettlebell flow to help clients find a deeper mind and body connection and greater mobility. The equipment used ranges from body weight and bands to kettlebells and barbell. The goal, long term, is to move freely and confidently in your everyday life all while finding small victories along the way.

Private yoga lessons are available as well. Yoga can be intimidating to jump into a group/class setting right off the bat. Whether you are brand new to yoga or are practiced but want to focus on something in particular, you will leave feeling more confident and capable in your body and in your abilities.

The best part is that instead of being in a busy gym, it’s a fully private session out of my home gym.

Pricing for training is $75 per session. Sessions with two people are $100 ($50 per person).